2 Schemes of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\)

2.1 Some general scheme theory

Before we can define our main object of interest, schemes of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\), we need to introduce some preliminary notions.

We already have the following in mathlib4 thanks to Andrew Yang:

Definition 2.1 Local property of ring homomorphisms

Let \(P\) be a property of ring homomorphisms: we say the property \(P\) is local if

  1. if \(P\) holds for \(\phi : A \to B\), then \(P\) holds for \(\phi _S: S^{-1}A \to \left\langle f(S)\right\rangle ^{-1} B\) for any submonoid \(S \subseteq A\).

  2. Let \(\phi : A \to B\) be a ring homomorphism, if \(P\) holds for \(A \stackrel{\phi }{\to } B \to B_{f_i}\) for some \(\{ f_i\} \subseteq B\) such that \(\langle f_i\rangle = B\), then \(P\) holds for \(\phi \).

  3. Let \(\phi : A \to B\) and \(\psi : B \to C\) be two ring homomorphisms, if \(P\) holds for \(\phi \) and \(\psi \), then \(P\) holds for \(\psi \circ \phi \).

  4. \(P\) holds for \(A \to A_f\) for all \(f \in A\).

Proposition 2.2

The property “finite type” of ring homomorphisms is local in the sense of Definition 2.1.

Definition 2.3

If \(P\) is a property of ring homomorphisms then the property affine locally \(P\) of scheme morphism \((\phi , \phi ^*): \left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right) \to \left(Y, \mathcal{O}_{Y}\right)\) holds if and only if \(P\) holds for all ring homomorphism \(\Gamma (U, \mathcal{O}_X) \to \Gamma (V, \mathcal{O}_Y)\) for all affine subsets \(U \subseteq X\) and \(V \subseteq Y\) such that \(\phi (U) \le V\).

Definition 2.4 Morphisms locally of finite type [ 3 , 01T0 ]

Let \(\Phi : \left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right) \to \left(Y, \mathcal{O}_{Y}\right) := (\phi , \phi ^*)\) be a morphism of schemes. We say

  1. \(\Phi \) is locally of finite type if for any affine open \(V \subseteq Y\) and affine open \(U \subseteq X\) such that \(\phi (U) \subseteq V\), we have the induced map \(\Gamma (U, \mathcal{O}_X) \to \Gamma (V, \mathcal{O}_V)\) is a ring map of finite type. In another word, \(\Phi \) is affine locally a ring homomorphism of finite type.

  2. \(\Phi \) is of finite type if it is locally of finite type and \(\phi \) is quasi-compact.

Proposition 2.5

Let \(\Phi : \left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right) \to \left(Y, \mathcal{O}_{Y}\right)\) be an open immersion between schemes, then \(\Phi \) is locally of finite type.

Proposition 2.6

Let \(\Phi : \left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right) \to \left(Y, \mathcal{O}_{Y}\right)\) be a morphism of schemes and \(\mathcal{U} = \{ U_{i}\} \) be an open covering of \(X\), then affine locally \(\Phi \) is locally of finite type if and only if \(\Phi |_{U_i}\) is a morphism locally of finite type.

Proposition 2.7

Let \(\Phi : \left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right) \to \left(Y, \mathcal{O}_{Y}\right)\) be a morphism of schemes and \(\mathcal{U}=\{ U_{i}\} \) be an affine open covering of \(Y\). Consider the pullback cover \(\mathcal{V} = \{ V_{i}\} \) of \(X\), and if for each \(i\), there is an affine open cover \(\mathcal{W}_{i} = \{ W_{i, j}\} \) for \(V_{i} \subseteq X\). Then \(\Phi \) is locally of finite type if and only if, for each \(i\) and \(j\), the ring map \(\Gamma (W_{i, j}, \mathcal{O}_{X}) \to \Gamma (U_{i}, \mathcal{O}_{Y})\) is of finite type.

Proposition 2.8

Composition of morphisms locally of finite type is locally of finite type.

2.2 Basic definitions and properties

Definition 2.9 Schemes locally of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\)

A scheme \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\) is locally of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\) if \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\) is a scheme over \(\mathbb {C}\) and the structure morphism \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right) \to \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{\mathbb {C}}, \widetilde{\mathbb {C}}\right)\) is a morphism locally of finite type.

Definition 2.10 Schemes of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\)

A scheme \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\) is of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\) if \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\) is locally of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\) and the structure morphism is quasicompact.

Let us unpack the Definition 2.9 a little:

Definition 2.11 Affine open covering of spectra of finitely generated \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebras

An affine open covering of spectra of finitely generated \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebra for a scheme \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\) over \(\mathbb {C}\) is the following data:

  1. indexing set: \(I\);

  2. a family of finitely generated algebras: \(R : I \to \mathsf{FGCAlg}_{\mathbb {C}}\);

  3. a family of open immersions: for each \(i \in I\), \(\iota _i: \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{R_i}, \widetilde{R_i}\right) \to \left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\);

  4. covering: \(c : X \to I\) such that for each \(x \in X\), \(c_x \in \operatorname *{range}\left({\iota _i}\right)\).

Lemma 2.12

A scheme \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\) is locally of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\) if it is a scheme over \(\mathbb {C}\) and it admits an affine open cover of spectra of finitely generated \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebras.


This is unpacking Definition 2.9

Proposition 2.13

Let \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\) be a scheme locally of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\), let \(U \subseteq X\) be an open subset, then \((U, \mathcal{O}_{X}\mid _{U})\) is a scheme locally of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\).


By Proposition 2.5 and Proposition 2.8, open immersions are locally of finite type and composition of morphisms locally of finite type is again locally of finite type, so

\[ \left(U, \mathcal{O}_{X}|_{U}\right) \hookrightarrow \left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right) \to \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{\mathbb {C}}, \widetilde{\mathbb {C}}\right) \]

is a morphism locally of finite type as well.

If \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\) is a scheme locally of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\), and \(U = \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{A}, \widetilde{A}\right)\) is an open affine subscheme of \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\), then \(A \cong \Gamma (U, \mathcal{O}_{X})\) is a finitely generated \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebra as well.


Consider the only open affine cover \(\{ \operatorname {Spec}\mathbb {C}\} \) of \(\operatorname {Spec}\mathbb {C}\), its pullback cover is \(\{ X_{\mathbb {C}} := X \times _{\operatorname {Spec}\mathbb {C}} \operatorname {Spec}\mathbb {C}\} \) where \(X_{\mathbb {C}}\) can be covered by \(U_{i}\times _{\operatorname {Spec}\mathbb {C}}\operatorname {Spec}\mathbb {C}\) where \(U_{i}\) runs over the collection of all affine open sets. Then the conclusion follows from Proposition 2.7.

Lemma 2.15

If \(U \subseteq \operatorname {Spec}A\) is an open subset where \(A\) is a finite \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebra, then \(U\) admits a finite covering of \(D(f_{1}),\dots , D(f_{n})\) where \(D(x)\) is the basic open around \(x \in A\).


Since \(U\) is open, its complement \(U^{\complement }\) is of the form \(V(I)\) for some ideal \(I\). Since \(A\) is a finite \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebra, \(I\) is the span of \(\{ f_{1},\dots , f_{n}\} \) for some \(f_{i} \in A\). Thus \(V(I)\) is \(\bigcap _{i}V(f_{i}\cdot R)\) hence \(U\) is \(\bigcup _{i}D(f_{i})\).

Lemma 2.16

If \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\) is a scheme of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\) and \(V \subseteq X\) is an open subset, then \(V\) is quasi-compact.


Since \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\) is of finite type, it has a   finite affine covering \(\mathcal{U}_{i} = \{ U_{1},\dots , U_{n}\} \). It is sufficient to show that every open cover of \(U_{i} \cap V\) has a finite subcover 1 . In another word, we only need to show if \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right) \cong \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{A}, \widetilde{A}\right)\) is affine and \(V\) is an open subset of \(X\), then \(V\) is quasicompact. Since \(V\) is a finite  union of \(D(f_{1}),\dots , D(f_{n})\) for some \(f_{i}\)’s in \(A\), we only need to show that \(D(f)\) is quasicompact. Since \(D(f)\) is affine, it is quasicompact.

Corollary 2.17 restriction of scheme of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\)

Let \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\) be a scheme of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\) and \(U \subseteq X\) be open, then the restriction \((U, \mathcal{O}_{X}|_{U})\) is a scheme of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\) as well.

Proposition 2.18

Let \(\left(\operatorname *{Spec}{A}, \widetilde{A}\right)\) and \(\left(\operatorname *{Spec}{B}, \widetilde{B}\right)\) be two affine finite schemes over \(\mathbb {C}\). Then any morphism \(\Phi : \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{A}, \widetilde{A}\right) \to \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{B}, \widetilde{B}\right)\) is of the form \((\phi , \phi ^{\star })\) where \(\phi : B \to A\) is a \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebra homomorphism.


We have a ring homomorphism \(\phi \), just need to check it commutes with algebra map.

Maybe we should construct the following and recover the previous lemma as a corollary:

Proposition 2.19

The category of affine scheme over \(\mathbb {C}\) is antiquivalent to commutative \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebras. The category of affine finite scheme over \(\mathbb {C}\) is antiequivalent to finitely generated commutative \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebras.

\[ \mathsf{ASch}_{\mathbb {C}}^{\mathsf{op}}\cong \mathsf{CAlg}_{\mathbb {C}} \]
\[ \mathsf{AFiniteSch}_{\mathbb {C}}^{\mathsf{op}}\cong \mathsf{FGCAlg}_{\mathbb {C}} \]
Lemma 2.20

Let \(\phi : R \to S\) be a surjective \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebra homomorphisms between finite \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebras, then \(\operatorname {Spec}\phi : \operatorname {Spec}{S} \to \operatorname {Spec}{R}\) is an embedding.


\(\operatorname {Spec}\phi \) is injective since \(\phi \) is surjective. We need to check that every open set in \(\operatorname {Spec}S\) is an inverse image of some open set in \(\operatorname {Spec}R\). Since \(\operatorname {Spec}{S}\) has a basis of basic open sets \(D(f)\)’s where \(f \in S\), we only need to check \(D(f)\) is the inverse image of some open set in \(\operatorname {Spec}R\). Since \(\theta \) is surjective, we know that \(\theta (r) = f\) for some \(r \in R\). Then \(D(f) \subseteq \operatorname {Spec}S\) is the inverse image of \(D(r) \subseteq \operatorname {Spec}R\).

2.3 Closed points

In this section, we focus on the subset set of closed points of a scheme locally of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\), preparing for the complex topology. Let us fix some notation first: for an arbitrary scheme \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\), we denote \(\operatorname {Max}\left\{ X\right\} \) to be the set of all closed points of \(X\) and \(\operatorname {MaxSpec}R\) to be the set of all maximal ideals of a ring \(R\). Note that \(\operatorname {MaxSpec}R\) is exactly \(\operatorname {Max}\left\{ \operatorname {Spec}{R}\right\} \) and we use both interchangeably.

Proposition 2.21

Let \(\left(\operatorname *{Spec}{A}, \widetilde{A}\right)\) be an affine finite scheme over \(\mathbb {C}\). We have that the set of closed points \(\operatorname {MaxSpec}A\) are in bijection to \(\operatorname {Hom}_{\mathsf{CAlg}_{\mathbb {C}}}\left(A, \mathbb {C}\right)\)


From corollary 1.3, we know that for each closed point \(\mathfrak m\), i.e. a maximal ideal, there is a unique \(\phi _{\mathfrak m} : A \to \mathbb {C}\) whose kernel is \(\mathfrak m\). Conversely, for any \(\phi : A \to \mathbb {C}\), \(\ker \phi \) is certainly a prime ideal 2 . Since \(\phi \) is surjective 3 , its kernel is maximal.

It remains to show that \(\mathfrak m \mapsto \phi _{\mathfrak {m}}\) and \(\phi \mapsto \ker \phi \) are inverse to each other. But this follows from the uniqueness from corollary 1.3: Let \(\mathfrak {m}\) be a maximal ideal, then the \(\ker \phi _{\mathfrak {m}}\) is exactly \(\mathfrak m\) by definition of \(\phi _{\mathfrak m}\); on the other hand, if \(\phi \) is an algebra homomorphism then \(\phi \) and \(\phi _{\ker \phi }\) are both algebra homomorphism that has kernel \(\ker \phi \), hence must be equal.

Corollary 2.22

Let \(\left(\operatorname *{Spec}{A}, \widetilde{A}\right)\) be an affine finite scheme over \(\mathbb {C}\). We have that the \(\operatorname {MaxSpec}A\) is in bijection with \(\operatorname {Hom}_{\mathsf{Sch}/\mathbb {C}}\left(\left(\operatorname *{Spec}{\mathbb {C}}, \widetilde{\mathbb {C}}\right), \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{A}, \widetilde{A}\right)\right)\)

Proposition 2.23

If \(\left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\) is a scheme locally of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\), then \(\operatorname {Max}\left\{ X\right\} \) is in bijection with \(X(\mathbb {C}) := \operatorname {Hom}_{\mathsf{Sch}/\mathbb {C}}\left(\left(\operatorname *{Spec}{\mathbb {C}}, \widetilde{\mathbb {C}}\right), \left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\right)\), such that every closed point \(p\), is the image of \(\star \) of a unique morphism \(\Phi _{p}\); and for each morphism \(\Phi : \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{\mathbb {C}}, \widetilde{\mathbb {C}}\right)\to \left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\), \(\Phi (\star )\) is closed in \(X\) where \(\star \) is the unique point of \(\operatorname {Spec}\mathbb {C}\).


Let \(x \in X\) be a closed point and an affine open neighbourhood of \(x \in U \cong \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{A}, \widetilde{A}\right)\) where \(A\) is a finite \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebra. Thus the \(x\) corresponds to a morphism \(\Phi _{A}\) between \(\left(\operatorname *{Spec}{\mathbb {C}}, \widetilde{\mathbb {C}}\right)\) and \(\left(\operatorname *{Spec}{A}, \widetilde{A}\right)\) by corollary 2.22; we define \(\Psi _{x}\) to be the composition of

      \spec\complex \ar[r, "\Phi_{A}"] & \spec A \ar[r, "\sim"]  & {\left(U, {\mathcal{O}_{X}\!\mid_{U}}\right)} \ar[r, hookrightarrow] & \schemeOf{X}.

Moreover, \(\Psi _{x}\) does not dependent on the choice of affine neighbourhood \(\operatorname {Spec}A\): suppose \(x \in \operatorname {Spec}A \cap \operatorname {Spec}B\), then \(\operatorname {Spec}A \cap \operatorname {Spec}B\) admits an open covering of spectra of finitely generated \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebras by Proposition 2.13. Thus we can find a finitely generated \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebra \(C\) such that \(\operatorname {Spec}C \subseteq \operatorname {Spec}A \cap \operatorname {Spec}B\).

      & & \spec A \arrow[hookrightarrow]{rd} & \\
      \spec{\complex} \arrow{r}{\Phi_{C}} & \spec{C} \arrow[hookrightarrow]{ru} \arrow[hookrightarrow]{rd} & & \schemeOf{X}, \\
      & & \spec B \arrow[hookrightarrow]{ur} &

where \( (\_ : \operatorname {Spec}C \hookrightarrow \operatorname {Spec}A) \circ \Phi _{C}\) is exactly \(\Phi _{A}\) and \((\_ {: \operatorname {Spec}C \hookrightarrow \operatorname {Spec}B}) \circ \Phi _{C}\) is exactly \(\Phi _{B}\) by Corollary 2.22; thus both composition in the commutative square above is \(\Psi _{x}\), in another word, \(\Psi _{x}\) is independent from the choice of affine neighbourhood.

On the otherhand, if we are given a morphism \(\Psi : \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{\mathbb {C}}, \widetilde{\mathbb {C}}\right)\to \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{A}, \widetilde{A}\right)\), let us denote \(x\) to be the image of the unique point in \(\operatorname {Spec}\mathbb {C}\) under \(\Psi \); we want to show that \(x\) is a closed point. Since affine open set forms a basis, we only need to check that, for any affine open \(\left(\operatorname *{Spec}{A}, \widetilde{A}\right) \hookrightarrow \left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right)\), \(x\) is closed in \(\operatorname {Spec}A\). We consider the factorisation of \(\Psi \):

\begin{tikzcd} [column sep=large]
      \spec\complex \arrow{r}{\specop{\psi}} & {\spec A} \arrow[hookrightarrow]{r} & \schemeOf{X},

where \(\psi \) is a \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebra homomorphism \(A \to \mathbb {C}\) such that \(\operatorname {Spec}{\psi } = \Psi |_{\operatorname {Spec}A}\), hence by Corollary 2.22, we have \(x\) is closed in \(\left(\operatorname *{Spec}{A}, \widetilde{A}\right)\). The two construction above is bijection is verified as the following:

  1. Let \(x\) be a closed point, then it corresponds to \(\Psi _{x}\), but the image of the unique point in \(\operatorname {Spec}\mathbb {C}\) under \(\Psi _{x}\) is \(x\);

  2. if \(\Phi \) is a morphism \(\left(\operatorname *{Spec}{\mathbb {C}}, \widetilde{\mathbb {C}}\right)\to X\) and denote the unique image as \(x\), \(\Phi \) factors through affine open neighbourhood of \(x\) hence it is \(\Psi _{x}\) because \(\Psi _{x}\) does not dependent on the choice of affine neightbourhood.

Proposition 2.24

Let \(\Phi = (\phi , \phi ^{*}) : \left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right) \to \left(Y, \mathcal{O}_{Y}\right)\) be a morphism of schemes locally of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\), then \(\phi \) maps closed points of \(X\) to closed points of \(Y\). Thus, we have a well defined map \(\operatorname {Max}\left\{ \phi \right\} : \operatorname {Max}\left\{ X\right\} \to \operatorname {Max}\left\{ Y\right\} \)


Let \(x\) be a closed point in \(X\), then \(x\) corresponds to a unique \(\Psi _{x} = (\psi _{x}, \psi _{x}^{*}) : \left(\operatorname *{Spec}{\mathbb {C}}, \widetilde{\mathbb {C}}\right) \to X\) such that \(\psi _{x}(\star ) = x\) where \(\star \) is the unique point of \(\operatorname {Spec}\mathbb {C}\). The composite \(\Phi \circ \Psi _{x}\) is a morphism \(\left(\operatorname *{Spec}{\mathbb {C}}, \widetilde{\mathbb {C}}\right)\to Y\) thus \(\Phi \circ \Psi _{x}(\star )\) is closed in \(Y\), since \(\Phi \circ \Psi _{x}(\star ) = \Phi (\Psi _{x}(\star )) = \Phi (x)\), we conclude that \(\Phi (x)\) is a closed point in \(Y\).

When we talk about topology on \(\operatorname {Max}\left\{ X\right\} \), we mean the subspace topology induced by the Zariski topology 4 .

Corollary 2.25

Let \(\Phi : \left(X, \mathcal{O}_{X}\right) \to \left(Y, \mathcal{O}_{Y}\right)\) be an open immersion, then \(\operatorname {Max}\left\{ \phi \right\} \) is an embedding.


Write \(\Phi = (\phi , \phi ^{*})\), note that \(\phi \) is necessarily an embedding \(X \hookrightarrow Y\) thus \(\operatorname {Max}\left\{ \phi \right\} \) being the restriction of \(\phi \) must be embedding as well:

      {\maxop{X}} \arrow{r}{\maxop\phi} \arrow[hookrightarrow]{d} & \maxop{Y} \arrow[hookrightarrow]{d} \\
      X \arrow[hookrightarrow]{r}{\phi} & Y

where the vertical arrows and \(\phi \) are embeddings so \(\operatorname {Max}\left\{ \phi \right\} \) is embedding as well.

By the same argument and using Lemma 2.20, we can prove the following lemma

Lemma 2.26

Let \(\theta : R \to S\) be a surjective \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebra homomorphism between finite \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebras. \(\operatorname {MaxSpec}\theta \) is an embedding.

Remark 2.27

Let \(X\) be a scheme locally of finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\) and \(\mathcal{U} = \{ U_{i}\} \) be an open cover of \(X\). Then \(\operatorname {Max}\left\{ X\right\} = \bigcup _{i}\operatorname {Max}\left\{ U_{i}\right\} \), so that \(\operatorname {Max}\left\{ \mathcal{U}\right\} = \{ \operatorname {Max}\left\{ U_{i}\right\} \} \) is a Zariski open cover for \(\operatorname {Max}\left\{ X\right\} \)

Lemma 2.28

Let \(\theta : R \to S\) be a surjective \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebra homomorphism between finite \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebras. Then the image of \(\operatorname {MaxSpec}\theta : \operatorname {MaxSpec}{S} \to \operatorname {MaxSpec}{R}\) is identified via Proposition 2.21 with the set of \(\mathbb {C}\)-algebra homomorphisms \(\psi : R \to \mathbb {C}\) such that \(\psi (\ker \theta ) = 0\).


Let \(\mathfrak {m} \subseteq R\) be a maximal ideal inside the image of \(\operatorname {MaxSpec}\theta \), i.e. there exists a maximal ideal \(\mathfrak {p} \subseteq S\) such that \(\theta ^{-1}\mathfrak {p}=\mathfrak {m}\). \(\mathfrak {m}\) corresponds to the unique algebra homomorphism \(\phi _{\mathfrak {m}} : R \to \mathbb {C}\) whose kernel is \(\mathfrak {m}\) and \(\mathfrak {p}\) corresponds to the unique algebra homorphism \(\psi _{\mathfrak {p}} : S \to \mathbb {C}\) whose kernel is \(\mathfrak {p}\). Thus \(\theta ^{-1}\mathfrak {p} = \mathfrak {m}\) precesily when \(\psi _{\mathfrak {p}} \circ \theta = \phi _{\mathfrak {m}}\); and this happens precisely when \(\psi _{\mathfrak {p}}\) annaliates the kernel of \(\theta \).

Remark 2.29

If we are only considering schemes (locally of) finite type over \(\mathbb {C}\), any morphism of ringed space over \(\mathbb {C}\) is automatically a morphism of locally  ringed space over \(\mathbb {C}\).

  1. finite union of quasicompact set is again quasicompact
  2. \(\ker \phi \) is equal to \((\operatorname {Spec}\phi )(\star )\) where \(\star \) is the unique point of \(\operatorname {Spec}\mathbb {C}\)
  3. for each \(c \in \mathbb {C}\), \(\phi (c \cdot 1) = c\)
  4. Hopefully, I will be able to main the notation clearly: \(\operatorname {Max}\left\{ X\right\} \) is Zariski and \({\left\{ {X}\right\} }^{\mathsf{an}}\) is analytic